One Mission One Voice
Welcome to the Brain Injury Association of
For additional resources
and education, visit two websites developed by
the Brain Injury Association of
and which is a
resource for Illinois residents. You can also
view more of our videos on
YouTube. The Brain Injury Toolbox has been
developed by the Brain Injury Association of
Illinois to disseminate educational materials
and other materials that may be
useful tools to those whose lives have been
impacted by brain injury, for professionals
working with individuals who have sustained a
TBI, and to the community at large

The Journey
Forward: Brain
Injury in the

Click here to
view a copy of
the new film
distributed by
the BIA of
This film is
directed to the
injured soldier
who may have
received a brain
injury or who
may have
returned home
with an
brain injury.
The film is also
directed to the
family. Please
contact the BIA
of Illinois if
you are
interested in
making this film
(Illinois or
available in
your place of
work or in your
Informative fact sheets are available on a
wide range of brain injury related subjects:
Click Here
Research Opportunities and Studies
Click here for available
research opportunities
NOTE #1: Some of the documents
available on this site are in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat
format, which requires the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print. If
you haven't already done so, you may want to click on the Adobe logo
below and download the reader. It's a free and very useful tool.

You will also find many
external links on this site. All of the external links will open in
new windows - right on top of the current window. To get back to our
site, simply close the external window (you will not be able to use
the "back" button).